OBJECTIVES The JMIH Meeting and Management Committee (MMPC) oversees all aspects of the organization and execution of the JMIH on behalf of the four JMIH societies. We report to the JMIH Presidents and work on their behalf and on behalf of the societies.

Specific Tasks as outlined in the JMIH Letter of Agreement (LOA):

  1. JMIH Venues: The MMPC identifies potential meeting sites and makes recommendations for future sites to the JMIH societies based on the a variety of parameters including geographic region, overall cost, accessibility, venue space, and hotel room availability. Each venue is visited by an MMPC member and personnel from our Profession Congress Organizer.

  2. Collaboration: MMPC works with Professional Congress Organizer (PCO) in all matters related to the organization and execution of the JMIH. The MMPC will periodically review the performance of the PCO and provide recommendations to the JMIH societies concerning the contracting of a PCO and/or the renewal of a contract with a PCO.

  3. JMIH Budget: The PCO will develop a budget that will be reviewed by MMPC. Once approved by MMPC, the budget will be forwarded to the JMIH societies for final approval.

  4. JMIH symposia: The MMPC will receive approved symposium proposals from the JMIH societies for scheduling at the JMIH. The MMPC may also schedule additional symposia at the JMIH if deemed of sufficient scientific merit.

  5. JIMH Scheduling: The MMPC shall develop the schedule of all JMIH events and identify moderators for all presentation sessions. It will provide the schedule to the JMIH societies and to the PCO for appropriate posting and distribution.

  6. Relation to JMIH Local Host: The MMPC shall assist in identifying a local host for each JMIH. The MMPC will work in consultation with the Local Host and Local Host Committee with regards to JMIH planning and scheduling. The MMPC will transmit to the local host and local host committee a summary of their roles, duties and obligations with regards to the JMIH.

  7. Meetings of the MMPC: The MMPC will meet in the spring of each year a JMIH is being held at the selected host venue to create the academic program for the upcoming JMIH, develop and assemble the meeting schedule and meet with the local host and local host committee. At that time, the MMPC will also review space allocation and venues for meeting activities, such as presentations, socials, business meetings, etc., and report on these to the JMIH societies. The MMPC also shall meet during the Annual JMIH to review the execution of the current JMIH and plan for future meetings.

  8. Other functions: The MMPC may advise the JMIH societies on any aspect of the JMIH as deemed appropriate. The MMPC may undertake any other functions and/or provide any other services related to the management and planning of the JMIH as may be directed by the JMIH societies collectively.

MOU: The most recent Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was renewed on 1 January 2018. This MOU covers the JMIH for TEN years (2018-2027) and will be place through 31 December 2028, or until all financial obligations have been met for each meeting covered by this MOU. The societies may consider whether to renew the MOU again in 2025.